The school provides a week of intensive theoretical instruction and practical work. The average day consists of alternate sessions of graded AMEB theory with band/ensemble sessions.
Theoretical tuition is provided from preliminary grade through to advanced harmony and arranging. The practical component of the school accommodates the needs of beginner instrumentalists through to VCE standard and beyond.
The school also offers tuition in conducting, aural training and Drum Major/Band Drill. VCE students are offered “time out” sessions during the theory instruction periods to study.
Time Table
Monday to Friday
Instruction – 9.00am to 12.45pm (with morning tea break)
Lunch – 12.45pm to 1.30pm
Instruction – 1.30pm to 5.00pm (with afternoon tea break)
Dinner – 5.00pm to 7.00pm
Evening Rehearsal 0 7.00pm to 8.30 pm
A sports afternoon is held on Thursday. Even though sport is optional, students not taking part will not be allowed to leave the school grounds.
Band Rehearsal – 9.00am
Final Theory Class – 10.30am (followed by lunch)
Exams – 1.00pm
BBQ dinner and fun concert – 5.30pm
Final concert rehearsal – 9.00am
Exam results – 11.00am (followed by lunch- provide your own)
Concert performance – 1.00pm
The finale concert
The Finale Concert, held on the final Sunday of the music school is open to all members of the public. Come celebrate the magnificent achievements and hard work of the Students and Staff of the WBG Music School!